3. Générateur de jeux

usage: dobble [-h] [--version] {check,build} ...

3.1. Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit

3.2. Commands


Possible choices: check, build

3.3. Sub-commands

3.3.1. check

Check properties about the game.

dobble check [-h] [-f [FILE]] [-r] [-v] [-t] [-s] [-q] Named Arguments

-f, --file

Input file. Default is standard input.

Default: <_io.TextIOWrapper name=”<stdin>” mode=”r” encoding=”utf-8”>

-r, --regular

Check if game is regular.

-v, --valid

Check if game is valid.

-t, --trivial

Check if game is trivial.

-s, --summary

Print somme information about the game.

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Does not print anything: exit status is 0 if condition are met, 1 otherwise.

Default: False


Games are given line per line: each line is a different card (blank lines are ignored). Each card is a white space separated list of symbols (a symbol can be any string not containing white spaces).

3.3.2. build

Build some game.

dobble build [-h] -s SIZE [-f FORMAT] Named Arguments

-s, --size

Size of the game.

-f, --format

Output format: “tex” (Code lualatex), “raw” (Liste brute des symboles des cartes).

Default: raw